
Friday, February 28, 2025

Heart of Glass by K Henderson

                                Heart of Glass,16" x 20", oil on Cradled Board

I love painting glass. It's a challenge to get the transparency and reflections. And I love the color red so I had to add a red jar to the group.

This is Available to add to your art collection.

Friday, February 21, 2025

Flying Aces by K Henderson

Flying Aces, 24 x 48, oil on linen

This is my my most recent painting from my Vintage Board Games series. FLYING ACES No.72  was published by Selchow & Righter Company , New York, NY. 1940. Artwork by William Longyear.

 The object of the game is to follow the opponent's plane so that at the opportune time is plane may be "jumped".


Thursday, February 20, 2025

Barbie, Queen of the Prom by K Henderson


Barbie, Queen of the Prom, 24 x 36, oil on linen

All the the Vintage Game Board paintings I've been creating recently have been 'Boy' games (Cowboys, Indians, Super Heroes). I decided it was time to do a 'Girl' game. And what could be more Girly than Barbie, The Famous Teenage Fashion Doll?

My favorite barbie accessory is the Cat-Eye sunglasses. This game includes Boyfriend cards and  Formal cards among others. And what teenage girl could live without her Telephone?

This game has a copyright date of 1960 from Mattel. In this game you are Barbie. You win if you are the first player to be crowned Queen of the Prom. But in order to win you must have a steady boyfriend, a prom dress and be elected president of a school club. 


Wednesday, February 19, 2025

The Merry Puppet by K Henderson


The Merry Puppet, 20 x 40, oil on linen

The Adventures of Pinocchio written by Carlo Collodi 1883 is one of the creepiest children's stories I've ever read. I love it!

The mild Walt Disney movie animation was released in theaters in 1940.  It was initially a box office disaster.

In 1939 Milton Bradley created this board game based on Disney's motion picture.The box top depicts images of Pinocchio and his protector Jiminy Cricket.


Tuesday, February 18, 2025

The Adventures of Superman by K Henderson


The Adventures of Superman , 24 x 48, oil on linen

Superman's first appearance was in Action Comics #1. Superman became popular very quickly. By 1940 the amount of merchandise available increased dramatically, with jigsaw puzzles, paper dolls, bubble gum and trading cards available, as well as wooden or metal figures.

This 1940 game by Milton Bradley  is the first and rarest of the early Superman board games, which was also offered as a premium in the Superman Bubble Gum Club prize folder. The box shows Superman stopping an oncoming airplane.

Available at Lovetts Gallery https://www.lovettsgallery.com/

Monday, February 17, 2025

Calling All Cars by K Henderson


Calling All Cars, 24 x 48, oil on linen

This is another painting in my Vintage Board Games Series. 'Calling All Cars' game was manufactured in conjunction with the radio program of the same name, which aired from 1933-1939 on CBS.

Available at Lovetts Gallery https://www.lovettsgallery.com/

Sunday, February 16, 2025

Steve Scott, Space Scout by K Henderson


Steve Scott Space Scout, 24 x 48,  oil on linen

Space Exploration. It was a busy time in the 1950's and our pop culture reflected it.

1952 -- Two Capuchin monkeys, Pat and Mike, and a pair of mice successfully recovered following a flight to 36 miles launched from Holloman Air Force Base.

 In this game Commander Steve Scott assigns his young Space Scouts exciting missions into outer space. The players  scout the universe, report on conditions, maintain outpost and police the planets.

The players must execute the orders as outlined on their Interplanetary Assignment Cards in addition to instructions on the Rocket Speed Indicator. The first player to complete his mission is the winner of the game.

Available at Lovetts Gallery https://www.lovettsgallery.com/

Saturday, February 15, 2025

Space Cadet by K Henderson

Space Cadet, oil on linen, 24 x 36

Tom Corbett, Space Cadet was another creation  born from the worlds fascination with Space in the 1950's. Tom Corbett — Space Cadet stories  were depicted in television, radio, books, comic books, comic strips, and other media. Tom Corbett first appeared on television in October of 1950. The stories followed the adventures of Corbett and other cadets at the Space Academy as they train to become members of the Solar Guard.

This paint set box showing Corbetts's ship, Polaris, was manufactured in 1953 by Peerless Playthings. 

This Painting is available at Lovetts Gallery https://www.lovettsgallery.com/


Friday, February 14, 2025

That Kiss by K Henderson


That Kiss, oil on cradled board, 12 x 12

I had fun with this Trompe L'Oeil. I found this cartoon panel and immediately thought of Hershey's Chocolate Kisses.


Thursday, February 13, 2025

Pink Kiss by K Henderson


Pink Kiss, 20 x 20, oil on canvas

Here's another Chocolate Kiss painting. This one was a bit of a challenge because I wanted the reflection to be less vibrant than the main subject and I struggled to get the color 'Just Right' 


Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Super Kiss by K Henderson


Super Kiss, 30 x 30, oil on Linen

This painting is another trompe l'oeil in my Chocolate Kiss series. This includes a panel from a Superman Comic and of course that's Lois Lane giving the Super Kiss.


Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Heart of Gold by K Henderson


Heart of Gold, 12 x 9, oil on board

 I love vintage valentines! This painting features two valentine images, a heart shaped lollipop, a red ribbon and a gold heart. 


Monday, February 10, 2025

Key to My Heart by K. Henderson


Key to my Heart, oil on board, 12 x 9

It's that time of year again. The stores are filled with valentines and heart shaped candy.
This Trompe L'Oeil has everything a valentine needs with a red, heart shaped lollipop, vintage valentines and an old skeleton key.


Saturday, February 8, 2025

Mickey Valentine by K Henderson

Mickey Valentine, 12" x 9"

 Who doesn't love vintage Mickey and Minnie? This oil painting features this valentine couple as they share a sweet heart shaped lollipop and a wrapped chocolate on a heart shaped lace.


Thursday, February 6, 2025

Love Letter by K. Henderson


                                                        Love Letter, oil, 24" x 18"

Happy Valentine's Day!

Remember when people actually hand wrote letters to each other?

This painting features a love letter, vintage key and photo and a queen of hearts playing card.


Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Super Valentine by K. Henderson


Super Valentine, 12 x 9, oil on board

What can be more romantic than valentines, candy and hearts? And who is among the most famous romantic couples? The Man of Steel and Lois Lane of course!

This Trompe L'oeil painting has Valentines of Superman and Lois Lane from the 1940's and '50's. I've combined them with a heart shaped sucker with cellophane, a red ribbon, red hearts and a silver heart reflecting the blue sky

Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Love Me Tender by K. Henderson

 Love Me Tender, 16 x 20, oil on cradled board

Who doesn't love Elvis? Those dark good looks, those swivel hips, that lip curl! Oh yeah and the singing. *swoon*

And those Conversation  Hearts say it all. Did you know that these heart candies have been around since 1866? 


Saturday, February 1, 2025

Boomer or Bust by K. Henderson

Boom or Bust,  36 x 36, oil on linen
I love the graphics an colors of this game. Parker Brothers manufactured this financial game in 1951

Players move around the board according to the throw of the Dice. Properties such as beauty Shop, Department store, etc are bought and sold at prices that rise and fall quite unexpectedly, depending on whether the conditions are NORMAL, BOOM times or BUST (Depression times) The game is quick- moving and amusing. The game ends when all but one player becomes bankrupt.  
