
Thursday, October 24, 2013

Operation Game - Day 5

Operation , Work in Progress, day 5

Today I worked on the lettering, the shadows and the 'money'.

Monday, October 21, 2013

Operation Game - Day 4

Operation, work in progress

Things are finally starting to take shape!

Operation Game - Day 3

Operation, work in progress

More details today. I blocked in most of the lettering and worked on some of the tape

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Friday, October 18, 2013

Operation game - Work in Progress

Operation, WIP, 30 x 40

I had a request to create a painting of the board game 'Operation'.  I decided to post the images of the Work In Progress.

My first step, which I'm not showing, is the drawing on tracing paper. When I'm happy with the drawing I transfer the drawing to the canvas. Then I start blocking in the colors. I like to loosely block in the colors over the entire canvas so I can get a 'feel' for the painting and composition.

This is how the painting looks at the end of the first day.