
Saturday, March 22, 2025

Flying Aces by K Henderson


Flying Aces, 24 x 48, oil on linen

This is my my most recent painting from my Vintage Board Games series. FLYING ACES No.72  was published by Selchow & Righter Company , New York, NY. 1940. Artwork by William Longyear.

Friday, March 21, 2025

Fortune telling Cat by K Henderson


Fortune Telling Cat, 24 x 30, oil on canvas

Who can resist a cat that can tell the future? I really like these vintage fortune telling cards because they look like they were hand painted.

The Black Cat is against a green background, winking as though he holds all your secrets in his hand.

The transparent tape keeps the box together. 

Thursday, March 20, 2025

Batman Puzzle by K Henderson

Batman Puzzle, 30 x 36, oil on linen
Basic puzzle:  pieces are intended to be put together in a logical way in order to come up with the desired solution.

British engraver and mapmaker, John Spilsbury, created the first jigsaw puzzle in 1700 when he mounted a map on a sheet of wood which he then sawed around each individual country.  Spilsbury used his product to aid in teaching geography.

My Batman Puzzle was manufactured by Milton Bradley in 1966.

The Batman Cookies (also a puzzle since they are pieces put together in a logical way) were baked by me last week.



Wednesday, March 19, 2025

Barbie Queen of the Prom by K Henderson


Barbie, Queen of the Prom, 24 x 36, oil on linen

All the the Vintage Game Board paintings I've been creating recently have been 'Boy' games (Cowboys, Indians, Super Heroes). I decided it was time to do a 'Girl' game. And what could be more Girly than Barbie, The Famous Teenage Fashion Doll?

My favorite barbie accessory is the Cat-Eye sunglasses. This game includes Boyfriend cards and  Formal cards among others. And what teenage girl could live without her Telephone?

This game has a copyright date of 1960 from Mattel. In this game you are Barbie. You win if you are the first player to be crowned Queen of the Prom. But in order to win you must have a steady boyfriend, a prom dress and be elected president of a school club.

Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Straight Arrow by K Henderson

                                     Straight Arrow, oil on linen, 30" x 40"

One of my favorite board Games! I grew up in an era where kids played "cowboys and Indians".


Monday, March 17, 2025

Robot Sam The Answer Man by K Henderson

Robot Sam The Answer Man, 36 x 30, oil on linen

Here's my most recent Vintage Game oil painting. Robot Sam is an electric quiz game made by Jacmar Mfg. Company in 1954. It's a battery operated game with question and answer cards. You touch a wired probe to the question and try to match the answer using the second probe . If you answer correctly a small light glows.

This yellow and red box with the image of a happy robot has taped corners.


Sunday, March 16, 2025

Tek- No- Krazy


Tek-No-Krazy, 30 x 30, oil on linen

Here's another game that I had to paint once I saw it. The game is small, about 8" x 8" and I thought it deserved to be seen BIG.

I'm not sure of the exact date this game came on the scene but, obviously, it was when we were still in awe of outer space, robots and flying saucers. Some of us still are.Available